Tuesday, August 25, 2009

In the interest of fairness

I went to see Congressman Boswell's local rep at the Vinton Library this morning.  Honestly, he seemed a bit testy.  But, to be fair, I am hammering on the good Congressman pretty good.   I will post a summary of our meeting a bit later.  But, first in fairness to the Congressman, an effort to get the Congressman's comments out.  I shared with Greg a frustration that nothing was posted at the Congressman's website showing video of the Sigourney meeting.  Greg assured me the video was "out there".  I repeated that it was NOT at the Congressman's website.  He suggested that I google it and sure enough, there are 9 segments on YouTube.  Not of the Congressman's doing, but of an attendee.  Why is that??  Why are we doing the Congressman's work?  In any event, in the spirit of fairness, here are links to the most complete set of videos I found.

I also shared with Greg the frustration that some our attendees that went to Sigourney were frustrated at the small number admitted to the library.  In their estimate, around 40 or so.   A review of the video clearly shows there were more than that.  I have not done a head count from the video but Greg estimated over 100 and I see nothing to dispute that number.










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